Why Smaller Spaces Can Be The Best Spaces

Many of us are living in and working with smaller spaces to decorate. There are many advantages that come with dwelling in smaller spaces and if you're a fan of the Netflix hit "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo," you know you don't need a lot of space to truly have a home that sparks joy. If you're looking to fall in love with your space anew, read on to learn why we think smaller spaces are the best spaces.
They're Ultra Cozy
You might think of the word "cozy" as a euphemism for "cramped," but living in small spaces has very real advantages when it comes to cozy-making. When you don't have a vast amount of space to fill and manage, it's a lot easier to focus on making your environment just right. Small, inexpensive pieces of decor, like candles and throw pillows, will have a bigger impact on your overall ambiance than they would in a larger space, making it super simple to create the precise vibe you're after. It's also a whole lot easier to switch things up once you're ready for a change.
They're More Organized
When you're living in a smaller space, there's much less room for the extra miscellaneous "stuff" that has a knack for accumulating in your space, even when you don't need, like, or use it. Things no longer useful to you stand out more, making it easier to purge clutter, get organized, and surround yourself only with things you find helpful, valuable or joy inducing! When you're not constantly searching for what you need, it makes day-to-day living and all the associated activities that much more efficient.
They're Less Money to Decorate
It can take thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of furniture and decor simply to make a large space look warm, comfortable and inviting. Smaller spaces, on the other hand, make decorating (and redecorating) way more simple and affordable. Rather than many pieces of large, expensive furniture, you only need a few to make your style sing. And you'll have plenty of cash leftover for niceties like candles and fresh flowers.
They Promote Stress-Free Minimalism
Minimalism has been making major waves in the interior design scene as more and more folks are living more simply to reduce stress. One of the cool things about smaller spaces is that they make adopting this stress-free, joy-inducing style super easy. In fact, minimalism is almost a necessity for those in the smallest of spaces, like a studio apartment, so if you're among them, you're likely a minimalist master by now.
They're Easier to Clean
This is most definitely one of our favourite perks of living in a smaller space: It's so... Much… Easier... To… Clean. The bigger the space, the longer it takes to organize, tidy-up and deep clean, and its way more challenging to keep it that way. Who wants to spend hours just trying to make a space look livable? Not us. That's why cute and cozy spaces are awesome for those who find peace and tranquility when surrounded by order and cleanliness and don't want to invest a ton of time and energy into keeping it that way.
They're More Sustainable - Environmentally and Financially
It's no secret that the costs of heating, cooling, and electricity can seriously take their toll - both on our wallets and on the environment. When you compare the electricity bill of someone living in 500 sq. feet to someone living in 3,000, the difference can be monumental, with the latter often costing five, six, or even ten times more. Living in tight quarters means a serious reduction in monthly expenses, as well as your home's impact on our beloved Mother Nature.
They're Easier to Personalize
Ever walk into a large home that feels more like a museum than the home of someone you know and care about? It's not the most familiar or welcoming of vibes. If you're anything like us, you want your space to be a reflection of you and your personal style sensibilities. Smaller spaces, with their limited surface and wall real estate, make this a whole lot easier to achieve.
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