Jan. 22/25
AUGUST Anniversaries

“Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success” - Unknown
In today’s fast-paced business world where changes occur at the blink of an eye, it’s important to pause and recognize the invaluable asset that remains constant – our dedicated employees. One of the most significant ways to acknowledge their commitment and contributions is by celebrating their employment anniversaries. These occasions not only mark the passage of time but also highlight the growth, accomplishments, and shared journey between employee and employer.
Today, we invite you to join us in thanking the following employees for their dedication to Kelson Group and their hard work in helping our residents live better:
Gina Weishar | Building Manager | Edmonton | Celebrating 1 year
Jeff Fenkhuber | IT Lead | Kamloops | Celebrating 3 years
To the above employees, please know that your commitment and growth are deeply appreciated and recognized. Your positive attitude, professionalism, and determination have helped create an environment where excellence thrives. We are thrilled to have you as a part of our team and are excited to see all that you will accomplish in the future.
Jason Fawcett, President
Kelson Group