
Ideas to create your dream Spring Break staycation.

Posted On Mar 9, 2020


If travelling for spring break is not an option this year, we have some ideas to help you create an amazing staycation! You'll avoid the packing, the line ups, the grumpiness that comes from being bored and overtired when travelling—not to mention the boredom that can come with spending a week hanging out around the house!

  1. Get outside – take a time out to explore a new trail or park. Chances are you've passed signs for a trail numerous times and thought about checking it out—now's the time to spring into action!
  2. Create inside – cardboard playhouses are especially good for those rainy/snowy or cold days when you really don't want to be outside. Pick up some larger boxes from a local appliance store and use fun supplies you already have at home like markers, tape, glue, and wrapping paper to create a custom space.
  3. Explore public spaces – spend some quality time in your local library and/or museum. Take advantage of the extra time to slow down and really immerse yourself in the space and soak up new information.
  4. Get gaming – this idea is perfect to keep people moving on rainy or snowy days. Level up video gaming by setting things up tournament style—and give out prizes or trophies to the top three finishers in each category. If possible, pick active games that require movement. If you don't have those, include some kind pf physical movement between turns, that each player completes as part of a level. If you have several participants, you can create teams and wear team colors. Make it even more fun by setting up "fueling stations" with sports drinks, protein bars and fruit!
  5. Hometown hotel – who's to say you can't have a nice hotel weekend in your hometown? It might sound silly, but it's quite relaxing and many hotels now offer "staycation specials" for locals. Pack up the family and check into a local hotel for the weekend. Bonus: pick a hotel with a pool and/or spa to maximize the vacation experience.
  6. Cook off - vote on a special or specific ingredient and then have everyone plan or create a dish around that ingredient. Pair younger kids with a parent or older child or offer ideas that don't require cooking or knives. At the end of the day, everyone gets to dig into a delicious spread! 
  7. Competitive spring cleaning – set a goal for everyone that's reasonable to achieve based on age and ability and then let them loose with trash bags, boxes, cleaning supplies and whatever else they need to get their job done. We recommend setting a time limit, so it doesn't drag on forever, and to create incentive to work until the end. Reward everyone with some pizza and then, while you're munching, plan a garage sale where items can be sold for cash.
  8. Movie marathon—another inside idea: convert the TV room into a plush movie theatre with pillows and extra blankets to keep everyone cozy. Prepare a menu of theater treats, such as hot dogs, nachos, shakes, and of course, hot buttery popcorn. You can even invite a few friends over and make it a daytime party for the neighbourhood kids (big or little!).

Whatever activity you decide on, we hope you're able to take time out to enjoy and celebrate the coming of spring!

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