
How To Find a Good Rental Apartment

Posted On Apr 2, 2019

With vacancy rates – the percentage of all available rental units vacant or unoccupied - being incredibly low right now, it's harder than ever to just find a rental apartment, let alone a good one.


Vacancy Rates:



Prince George










Grande Prairie


  • Vacancy rates as provided by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in October 2018


It's important to not just settle when you're in the market to rent because not only do people spend on average 25-35% of their income on housing, but when you do rent, you'll typically sign a lease that's up to a year long. That's a long period if you're unhappy with where you've decided to rent.


Our goal is to provide apartments to help you live better, here are some How To's to Find a Good Apartment Rental, especially in a tight rental market:


Set a Budget

We recommend setting a budget for what you can truly afford in a rental suite and then avoid looking at rentals outside of your budget. This will help refine the process for you. If your budget is too lean, consider a roommate to share the monthly rental costs.


Write out Your Priorities

We recommend writing out your priorities when it comes to finding a good place to rent. This can include transportation, amenities, and location. For example, if you are without a vehicle, being close to work or transit will be high on your priority list. If you don't mind being farther out of an urban centre and can commute, many times you will find prices can be a bit lower due to the sacrifice of convenience. Making a list of important priorities will help you narrow down your search.


Search Online

Searching online first for a rental apartment can save you hours of time and help you develop a short list of rentals you're interested in. Our team at Kelson Group aspires to provide an incredible amount of detail, realistic photos of our rental suites, and simple ways to connect with a Building Manager via email, phone, or text to set up an appointment. Starting your search online is key.


Ask Your Networks for Advice

We recommend asking friends, family, and co-workers about places where they may have rented and a company or building they would recommend. If we at Kelson Group do our job well, we know it is very likely we will be recommended by our residents to their friends. A referral is one of the best ways to narrow down your options quickly with the advice of someone in the know.


Word of Mouth

It's amazing how quickly word can spread with social media and how you can gain valuable knowledge quickly. Sometimes, you can get into a great rental suite through word of mouth before it hits the market. Whether you are  at a dinner party or through a social platform like Facebook, letting people know you are looking for a new rental apartment opens the opportunities for people to be on the lookout for you for a great space.



Talk to Residents

When you have narrowed down your search to a building or two, talk with current residents about their experience living in the building. Knowing firsthand some of the great things and some of the challenges of the building and its location may help you decide the best space for you.


Best of luck as you seek out a place to rent! Check out too when you start your online search.


Joy Murray, B.C. Property Manager for Kelson Group

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