
Celebrating Canada Day Virtually

Posted On Jun 30, 2020


Official Canada Day celebrations are cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related public health restrictions on large gatherings. But that does not mean the 153rd birthday party is off!

Heritage Canada is gearing up to host Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast in a virtual Canada Day celebration. The virtual festivities will feature Canadian artists and artisans who reflect Canadian diversity and values and showcase the magnificent talent in our country.

The first step is to RSVP to the virtual Canada Day 2020 event on Facebook. There will also be ongoing updates on Heritage Canada's other social media channels (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube) and their website. Starting June 15th, Heritage Canada will also release downloadable celebrations so all communities can participate online.

Depending on your ability and comfort level, you could host a small BBQ, and tune into the virtual celebration to share the experience with those in your "bubble."

Other ways to celebrate include reading up on Canadian history (Canada's History Society has a great Top 10 list) or checking out some of the fantastic virtual history tours, like the one offered by the Canadian Museum of History or this list of Canadian museums and attractions.

Regardless of how you decide to celebrate, there's no denying this Canada Day will be one for the history books!

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